

A structured & highly time-tested programme uses ABACUS a universally used manual gadget for solving arithmetic functions.

Programme is based on Zhusuan Methodology which originated in China. It centres on the coordination between the brain and other organs. The curriculum is planned and designed according to the international standard equivalent to the Association of Chinese Zhusuan, China


Meant for children from class 2-5, because it is proved that the mental development is at its peak only in this age group.

Brain Development

Meant for whole brain development, especially the right brain. Scientific research reveals that a very small percentage of people use their right brain and those who use it, are bound to reach the top.


Improves 'skills' of the children and these skills last a lifetime.

TOOLS & CONCEPTS used in Mind Champio Abacus Programme

We use the Abacus, a tool founded 2000 years ago, for solving arithmetic functions.

  • It is easy to work with.
  • It uses the concept of Mental Arithmetic by image of Abacus.

Abacus is a time-tested tool to augment the faculties of the brain. With the research in the field of Abacus education and the expertise gained, MIND CHAMPIO, using Zhusuan methodology, could affirm the whole brain development that is happening in children of the age group mentioned and these children thus acquire lifetime skills. In other words, the usage of Abacus has been refined by Mind Champio to develop the mental capabilities of children who get trained in Abacus program.


  • Recognize & understand the abacus
  • Mastering the method of counting using beads.
  • Method of 'poking' of the abacus with both hands.
  • Understand the basic gesture & pose while using the abacus.
  • Translate the numbers into beads & beads into numbers.
  • Basic Skill of 'non carry & abdicate' method.
  • Skill of carry & abdicate method.
  • Mastering the law of adding & subtracting.
  • Mastering multiplication & division methods.
  • Begin to work using imaginary beads.
  • Use listening & visualizing skills to improve speed & accuracy.


According to the analysis on the development of nerve tissues, the development and growth of the nerve tissues begins in 4 to 6 years old children at a rapid speed, and the progress will slow down when they are 12 years old, and growth reaches 75%. The greatest growth of human brain is during 4 to 14 years and during this period, the frequency of the brain wave increases gradually from theta (relaxing stage) to alpha level (relax but conscious). Children in alpha level have plentiful imagination and quicker learning ability. As they grow older into their juvenile age (the beta level, the sober period), thought will become more rational and they mainly think with left brain.

Therefore, as a parent to your child, in order to explore and enhance the children's intelligence, the best learning time for your child is the age before 15.

In order to create the overall intelligence of the cerebrum, both the right and left - brain must be trained at the same time. The creativity will be at its best only when both brains communicate and co-ordinate with each other. The creativity function from right brain needs to be boosted by the information stored in left brain. Whereas the mathematical and physical abilities have to work together with the space perception from the right brain in order to become an excellent scientist, engineer, literary expert, designer and businessman as well.

The creation progression of a person faced with difficulties could fail if lack of co-ordination is there in both brains. Every creation progress needs numerous collaborations between these two brains.

This explains the reason why those who uses both their left and right brain will be successful like Einstein, Picasso, Shakespeare or other computer geniuses.

The finding from experiments is that the systematic training of upper brain is able to change the operation of the lower brain, inclusive of health. achievement in sports, energy and spiritual, motive and stamina.